Orange County Employment Attorney / Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney
Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

Law Office Located in Huntington Beach, CA

    Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

    Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

    Law Office Located in Huntington Beach, CA

      Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

      Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

      Law Office Located in Huntington Beach, CA

      Our careers and our jobs are our livelihoods. We go into work and provide our time, effort and labor in order to receive compensation. You expect that, when you receive your compensation, it reflects all of the hours that you have put in. If you are working overtime and you are not seeing that reflected in your paycheck, it might be time to reach out to an Orange County overtime compensation attorney to discuss your legal options. If you are missing money in your paycheck that should be overtime compensation, please understand that you are protected by the law. Don’t let this wrongdoing get swept under the rug. Call us today and get started.

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        Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

        Our careers and our jobs are our livelihoods. We go into work and provide our time, effort and labor in order to receive compensation. When you receive your compensation, you expect that it reflects all of the hours that you have put in. If you are working overtime and you are not seeing that reflected in your paycheck, it might be time to reach out to an Orange County overtime compensation attorney to discuss your legal options. If you are missing money in your paycheck that should be overtime compensation, please understand that you are protected by the law. Don’t let this wrongdoing get swept under the rug. Call us today and get started.

        Here to Guide You Through the Process

        We take care of everything the moment you hire us. Your main concern should be yourself and your family. We go through all the details of your claim, thoroughly investigate the incident, and handle the complicated obstacles that come up with an overtime compensation claim so that you never have to worry about it.

        We would never expect someone who is in your situation to have the time to learn how to be a successful litigator in employment law. Having an attorney by your side eliminates the need for you to know everything about your claim. We keep you informed throughout the entire process, however you don’t have to worry about how you are going to get the justice that you deserve. Our Orange County overtime compensation attorney will take care of that for you.

        Protected Under California Statutes and Laws

        Overtime compensation is something that is protected under the California statutes and laws. When you are working hours that are more than your set schedule, you should be receiving time and a half. When you start working overtime hours without receiving overtime compensation you absolutely need to investigate why this is happening. We will be able to walk through your case with you and let you know if you have a claim and how we are going to get you justice.

        Am I Eligible for a Claim?

        If you look at your paycheck and you notice that the money you expect to see is not there and it should be because you worked overtime, then you can most likely bet that you have a claim.

        Overtime compensation claims are essentially when we can show that the employer owed you overtime for the hours that you worked but you never received it.

        With serious issues like this, you might wonder what you should do. The easy solution to this problem is to call our Orange County overtime compensation attorney and set up a consultation. We will be able to look at your employee contract, as well as your pay stubs and timesheets, to be able to tell you definitively whether or not we should pursue a claim.

        We Are Passionate About Helping You

        It’s common for you to feel frustrated and angry about having been taken advantage of by your employer regarding overtime pay. You put in these hours so that you can provide for yourself or your family and being robbed of this is confusing and demeaning. We understand how you feel as we have successfully dealt with these types of cases on numerous occasions. You might wonder what to do next.

        We urge you to reach out to our Orange County overtime compensation attorney right away to discuss the details of your particular scenario and what evidence and documentation we need to put together to start building a strong claim. We take care of the rest for you so that you can focus on yourself and not worry about litigation or a claim.

        It is our passion and our dedicated practice to help our community fight wrongdoing. We are here to help you get the overtime compensation that you deserve. Call us right away and we would be happy to set up an initial consultation with you.

        Overtime for Independent Contractors

        Unfortunately, if you are categorized as an independent contractor, then you are not entitled to overtime pay. If your employer, however, has either mistakenly or purposefully missed categorized you as an independent contractor then you might be entitled to a claim. Being misclassified is a common way that people miss out on their overtime pay. You are protected by the law if you’ve been misclassified as an independent contractor when you are supposed to be a non-exempt employee of the company. Non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay.

        Exemptions for Overtime Compensation

        There are employees within companies that may not be eligible for overtime compensation. That can happen for a variety of reasons but typically it would be something called a white-collar exemption. People who do executive, administrative or professional work with a company and receive a salary of over $640 a week likely are not eligible to receive overtime compensation.

        Here is a more comprehensive list of people who might not be eligible to receive overtime compensation. The list includes:

        • Executive managers whose duties are more than half of the time spent managing their employees and they have authority to hire or fire people on their staff
        • Office workers who are administrative workers that do work related to operations or management of the business
        • Employees who needed specialty experience and education or licenses or certifications from the state of California to work at the business
        • Specialty employees who work with high-tech equipment
        • Some sales workers

        If you are not sure if you fall under these types of categories where you would not be eligible for overtime compensation, we urge you to get in contact with our office as soon as you possibly can. The sooner you know whether or not you have a case, the better off you will be.

        Types of Cases

        The following are the categories of statutes and laws and regulations that address overtime compensation claims. Our Orange County overtime compensation attorney is well-versed in the following:

        • Fair Labor Standards
        • California Labor Code
        • Unpaid Overtime
        • Working Off the Clock
        • Regular Rate of Pay
        • Mandatory Overtime
        • Labor Board vs Attorney
        • Exempt vs Nonexempt
        • California Salary Laws

        If you have a case regarding missing overtime, the FSLA (Fair Labor Standards Act) can allow you to receive your damages doubled when your employer violates the laws of overtime. According to the California labor code, overtime is if you have worked over eight-hour days amassing more than 40 hours per week. When your employer does not give you the overtime that you are earning, they are violating the laws in California and they can get in a lot of trouble. When your employer asks you to do tasks off the clock that are in excess of the hours that you work full-time, then that can be in violation of the California labor laws and the FLSA regarding overtime compensation. If an employer, for instance, pays you for the overtime hours that you worked but does not give you the legally required time and a half hourly pay, that is in violation of the California labor laws and you might have a claim. It’s frequent for an employer to either accidentally or purposefully only pay you your hourly wage for overtime. You can be asked by your employer to perform overtime that is mandatory. You have to be paid the overtime rate, however, if you were going to be performing this task. They cannot forgo your compensation and they cannot just pay you your hourly wage. It has to be time and a half.

        When you have an Orange County overtime compensation attorney by your side, you are greatly increasing the chance that the compensation you receive is full and fair. We can go over the details of your claim and give you advice on what legal options you should be looking at. We can determine whether or not you are exempt from overtime conversation. Don’t assume that just because you are salaried you are not eligible for overtime compensation. Not every salaried employee is going to be exempt from overtime. Let us help you figure out whether or not you have a claim.

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        Call Our Orange County Overtime Compensation Attorney

        If you have been taken advantage of by your employer and you think you are due overtime pay, please get in contact with our Orange County overtime compensation attorney today. We care about you and your case and getting you the success that you deserve. Don’t wait to give us a call— we will set up an initial consultation right away. Call today to get started.

        Client Reviews


        “I called a lot of employment lawyers in Orange County, CA and came across Bijan Darvish.  Bijan was so informative about the law surrounding my case.  I wasn’t sure if I even had a case but after talking to him I felt confident that we could win. I was very happy with the outcome and have recommended him to others.  If you are looking for the best Orange County employment attorney, look no further than Mr. Darvish.”
        – Jennifer Kaminski
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