Orange County Employment Attorney / Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney
Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

Law Office Located in Huntington Beach, CA

    Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

    Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

    Law Office Located in Huntington Beach, CA

      Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

      Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

      Law Office Located in Huntington Beach, CA

      Have you been sexually harassed in the workplace? No one should be made to feel unsafe while they’re at work. Your job is your livelihood, and if there are people who are making your work environment hostile, you are entitled to justice. We understand that it is hard to bring a claim like this but our Orange County sexual harassment attorney wants to stand by you and fight to get the justice that you deserve.

      Being lost and confused right now is very normal and we want to address all of your concerns and questions in a consultation. Please call us right away to get answers to your questions about your claim, the process and how we can help. Call today to get started.

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        Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney

        Have you been sexually harassed in the workplace? No one should be made to feel unsafe while they’re at work. Your job is your livelihood, and if there are people who are making your work environment hostile, you are entitled to justice. We understand that it is hard to bring a claim like this but our Orange County sexual harassment attorney wants to stand by you and fight to get the justice that you deserve.

        Being lost and confused right now is very normal and we want to address all of your concerns and questions in a consultation. Please call us right away to get answers to your questions about your claim, the process and how we can help. Call today to get started.

        What Constitutes as Sexual Harassment?

        When you experience sexual harassment, there are a lot of cases of people who let it go because they aren’t sure if they’re legally protected. Sexual harassment is something that a lot of people suffer through. If there are people making fun of you based on your sexuality or gender, making unwanted sexual advances towards you, assaulting you or otherwise making you feel uncomfortable based on matters of sex, you are likely a victim of sexual harassment.

        We always urge you to reach out to our Orange County sexual harassment attorney to determine if what you are experiencing is protected under the law. Once we determine that what you are experiencing is a hostile work environment and protected by California law we can proceed with a sexual harassment lawsuit.

        Sexual Harassment Claim Through DFEH

        Please know that cases like this take some time and having an Orange County sexual harassment attorney defending your rights can speed up the process. Your claim process will go through the DFEH in California. The DFEH is not necessarily an entity that is going to advocate for you. The DFEH serves as a neutral party between you and the other party involved in this claim. Their job is to figure out what the truth of the matter is and if you have a legitimate claim or not. The role of defending your rights to justice lies in the hands of your attorney. The DFEH will only make a determination if you have a right to sue.

        We will use our resources to investigate your sexual harassment claim thoroughly. We will go through any documentation that you have with management at your company and we will discuss what witnesses saw, if you have collected their information for us to contact them. We will consult with experts in the field to help us make informed decisions.

        We aim to collect enough evidence to build a strong foundation for your claim so that we can showcase what your damages are and what we believe your fair compensation should be.

        We believe that the results should be full and fair for you in order to receive your due justice. We work very hard to ensure that what you experience at the end of the day is just that. Being sexually harassed at work can impact so much of your life. You might not enjoy your work anymore and you might have suffered physical consequences of sexual harassment due to the stress. We take into consideration all that you went through and we fight for you to be compensated fully.

        Most cases usually resolve outside of the courthouse but in the rare chance that you end up needing to go to trial we will prepare your case as if it is going to end up in front of a judge and jury. We prepare for every outcome so that we are always ready to handle your case the way it deserves to be handled.

        Sexual Harassment Claim Damages

        Our Orange County sexual harassment attorney has handled many cases like yours where someone is experiencing taunting, lewd jokes, physical unwanted contact, assaults, and so on. These are horrible experiences to have to deal with while you’re trying to work and provide for yourself and your family. These types of harassment cases tend to affect people emotionally. Harassers and assaulters pray on people’s emotions. We understand that people who do that to people like you deserve to know what they have done is wrong and they should be punished.

        The main focus of the sexual harassment case is to evaluate the damage that you have suffered. In particular, with sexual harassment, we are looking at the emotional damages that you have had to suffer through based on someone else’s awful behavior. In a lot of cases, emotional damages is the main reason that they file a claim. Sexual harassment cases typically do not involve lost wages from having to miss work, unless you’ve avoided work to get away from your harasser or harassers.

        The stress of going into work and dreading interactions with certain people is exhausting and stressful. We have represented people who say they don’t sleep anymore because of the stress of going into a workplace that is toxic and hostile. People have gained weight or lost weight dramatically due to the stress that they went through. Some people have had their personal relationships affected by the harassment that they have been subjected to. They might feel shameful and have a hard time reaching out to their family or a spouse about the sexual harassment they have gone through. These cases are so sensitive, and if you reach out to our Orange County sexual harassment attorney, that’s a very big step and we want to be there to support you through that.

        If the situation gets bad enough and the amount of stress escalates, people tend to start to avoid work or they even leave their job because they cannot deal with this type of harassment on a daily basis. It affects their work performance and their mental health. Those who had to walk away from a situation like this are suffering damages to their career. We see these types of cases all the time where someone leaves their job and that tremendously impacts them financially. You are entitled to compensation for all of your emotional or financial damages based on the sexual harassment that you had to go through.

        Economic damages would be the ones that cost you money, like missing time at work or losing your job based on your work performance being affected by the stress you’ve gone through. Economic damages could also include any therapy or medical treatment that you needed because of the sexual harassment.

        The non-economic damages are your emotional damages. We look at how it affected your health mentally, your relationships in your personal life, and so on. Non-economic damages are all the ways that your life has been impacted.

        Punitive damages are not always a part of sexual harassment claims but they can be. Punitive damages are meant to punish those who were negligent in your sexual harassment. That might be an employer who never did anything to stop the sexual harassment or even partook in it. The damages that you are bringing your claim for can vary from case to case, so we urge you to discuss your claim details with our Orange County sexual harassment attorney to see what you are entitled to and what steps you need to take to get that compensation in the fullest and fairest amount. In some cases, you can ask for extra compensation but you need to discuss with your attorney what your options are.

        Again, most of the time we reach a settlement before we have to go to trial. You want to find an attorney who is able to handle the case via settlement or through a trial. Going through trial can be an emotional experience and having an attorney fight for your rights and avoid trial is typically ideal. At the end of the day you want someone who is going to work in your best interest and utilize their resources to provide you with a result that is full and fair.

        Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us as soon as you possibly can. We want to help you get justice like we have for so many others before you. Give us a call right away and we will be happy to set up a consultation with you to discuss your legal options based on the details of your claim.

        Fired Based on Retaliation

        We understand that when you bring a claim like this you fear for your job. Especially when the person sexually harassing you is higher-up, it can feel very intimidating. The laws in California protect you from being fired in retaliation for a sexual harassment lawsuit. You can be fired for just about any other reason, but if it is because your employer is upset that you filed a sexual harassment claim against them, that is illegal. Please reach out to us if that is happening to you. We want to help you get the justice you deserve fully.

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        Call Our Orange County Sexual Harassment Attorney Today

        If you feel that your rights have been violated because of sexual harassment that took place at work, please reach out to our Orange County sexual harassment attorney as soon as you possibly can. We would like to help you through your claims process every step of the way so you get the justice that you are entitled to. We won’t settle for less than what is fair. Call today to get started.

        Client Reviews


        “I called a lot of employment lawyers in Orange County, CA and came across Bijan Darvish.  Bijan was so informative about the law surrounding my case.  I wasn’t sure if I even had a case but after talking to him I felt confident that we could win. I was very happy with the outcome and have recommended him to others.  If you are looking for the best Orange County employment attorney, look no further than Mr. Darvish.”
        – Jennifer Kaminski
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